I am sure everyone has thought that I have completely gone off the dieting deep end and quit but NAY I tell you! I have been so super busy these last few weeks, I have barely found time to get on my computer, let alone blog. But it's Spring Break (woohoo!!) so I will do my very best to start blogging regularly again. I promise!
But any who. Am I the only person who sees someone (who is in totally great shape) running down the road and thought "Oh how I hate you"? No? I didn't think I was the only one! Well my soul patch, Lana, and I decided to do the Couch to 5k running plan. And my first one was today. And my legs absolutely feel like Jello. So, we're really excited to be *hopefully* be running a 5k by summer time, and I'll make sure to blog about this journey.
Also, my weigh-in for last week showed I (finally!) lost my next 10lbs (for a total of -33lbs)! So, we all know what that means.... new nail polish! Yay!! I brought it home with me so that Mom could give me a mani, and it is definitely one of my favorite colors. I will post a picture as soon as I can redo it, because I did a great job of chipping Mother's beautiful work while in New Orleans.
And one more thing. The more weight I lose, the harder it is to come off. I know that this is typical for everyone, but it really is frustrating. So, I decided that now instead of a new nail polish every 10lbs, I will reward myself with a new nail polish every 5lbs. Frankly, a month to lose 10lbs and get a new nail polish is a long time, even though it is healthy. So I'm hoping that setting these smaller goals will help keep myself motivated!